Recipe: Dr. Pepper Pulled Venison BBQ

Even though it’s not hunting season, those of us into hunting may have a bit of Venison hanging around in the freezer. This recipe, which requires next to no work is, in one guy’s humble opinion, a pretty damn tasty way to make use of it. It works pretty well with any cut, as well, which is even better.

So, without further adieu:


This part’s important, and like the rest, simple as all hell. Yes, you can get super complex when it comes to brine. I don’t. As you’ll see, I’m very much an “eyeball it” kind of cook. Apologies.

So, for the brine you need:



A few caps full of apple cider vinegar.

Venison (This ingredient is super important, just sayin’)

There’s really no science to this. Basically, fill a bowl, a Tupperware container, whatever, with water. Mix in a hefty amount of salt and stir the bejesus out of it until it dissolves. I usually put in enough salt to cover the bottom of whatever container I’m using with a thin layer. Then, throw in a cap or two of Apple Cider vinegar. Add meat. Let it sit overnight. If you remember, replace the brine when it turns pink. If not, meh. It still works. Point is, this tenderizes the meat and draws the blood out.

After you’ve let everything brine out, take the meat, give it a good rinse, pat it dry (make sure you’ve gotten rid of as much of the silver flesh as you can). Throw away the salty blood water. Or don’t. It’s your call.

Take the yummy bits and throw em in a crock pot. To said crock pot add:

A bottle of Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce. Jack Daniels BBQ sauce will do in a pinch.

A half a can of Dr. Pepper.

Salt and Pepper to taste.

Garlic Powder to taste.

Onion Powder to taste.

I’ve heard folks say you can throw in liquid smoke, but that stuff is disgusting. If it trips your trigger, though, it’s your dinner. Have at it.

Turn the crockpot on low, and let it go for somewhere between 12 hours and an epoch. In other words, until everything pulls apart with a fork.


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